Tuition and Payment Information
We break our year into two. Our fall/winter term and our spring term. Our expenses are fixed and students are charged for the full session regardless of individual absences. Our terms are usually 13-20 weeks long, fall/winter is on the shorter end which prioritize training and technique. Our spring term is longer and we prioritize learning dances and performing in our year end show. While our full year session is both terms combined.
An annual registration fee per student covers the expenses of our administrative team. The registration fee is as the following $30 for first time students, $20 for recurring students and $10 for alumbi students. The registration fee is due the date of registration and is non-refundable. Students joining after September will move to our half-year fees with missed days deducted from overall fees. We accept E-Transfer, and Cheques. If a cheque is returned NSF your account will be charged an extra $50.00!
Monthly payments are due on the first of every month, or may be changed if both Hayley Ann Dance Academy and parent/guardian agree on a certain date per month . Or a full year payment due the date of registration.
Tuition Recreational Students:
Alumbi Students (Any student who has been registered with HADA for two or more consecutive years!)
Registration Fee: $10
Costume Deposit: $50+HST
Full Year: $305.55+HST (30min classes)/$386.05+HST (45min classes)
Returning Students (Any student who has been registered with HADA dance seasons, previously!)
Registration Fee: $20
Costume Deposit: $50+HST
Full Year: $335.50+HST (30min classes)/$416+HST (45min classes)
New Students (Any student who has NOT been registered with any of HADA dance seasons!)
Registration Fee: $30
Costume Deposit: $50+HST
Full Year (Sept-May): $365.45+HST (30min classes)/$445.95+HST (45min classes)
Fall/Winter Session (Sept-Dec):$177.42+HST (30min classes)/$213.20+HST (45min classes)
Spring Session (Jan-May): $228.02+HST (30min classes)/$272.75+HST (45min classes)
Tuition Competitive Students:
Registration Fee: $30 ($15 for recurring students to HADA)
New Members Fee: $300 (This members fee includes Competition Jacket, Competition Makeup, Competition Team Events (non-competitive), Performance Fees, Travel Expenses (getting team gear and props to competitions), Team Meetings, Team Outings. Please note that the members fee doesnt include everything related to competitions.
Recurring Members Fee: $50 (This members fee is only for competition related expenses, mentioned above.)
Costume Deposit: $100 (please note that this is just a deposit not the full cost of costume.)
30 min comp class: $420+HST
45 min comp class: $510+HST
60 min comp class: $585+HST
Solo Tuition: $420+HST
Duet/Trio Tuition: $250+HST
Multi-Class Discount: Discounted prices apply to all classes regardless of length (Solo, Duet, and Trio are extra)
Four Classes: $1550+HST
Five Classes: $1850+HST
Six Classes: $2050+HST
Seven Class: $2250+HST
Eight Classes: $2450+HST
Nine Classes: $2650+HST
Ten Classes: $2850+HST
Eleven+ Classes: $3050+HST